
‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’

2 Corinthians 9:7

Your generosity is so appreciated! Thankyou for partnering with us. Together we are able to support local, national and international efforts to share God’s truth and show God’s love. From releasing our ministry team in their local work both inside and outside the RBC building to supporting our international mission partners, your gift will have an incredible impact.

Everything we do at Redhill Baptist Church is made possible by your giving, thank you.

Use our bank details to set up a standing order or make a one-off donation  

If you would like to set up or change a standing order or even make a one-off donation, please use our bank details below.   

Bank:  NatWest

Account Name:  Redhill Baptist Church 

Sort Code:  54-30-36

Account Number:  23565403 

Text to give 

Text the code ‘RBCGIVING give’ followed by the amount you wish to give to the number 07380 307800. 

For example:

To give £5 text ‘RBCGIVING give £5

To give £10 text ‘RBCGIVING give £10

To give £20 text ‘RBCGIVING give £20

Via Churchsuite

Make a pledge or a one-off payment via your Churchsuite account. Details of how to do this are provided in the My Giving page

Give online

Click on the GIVE ONLINE button to donate online using a debit or credit card via our secure payment portal. (A small transaction fee applies to all online card donations)

If you are a UK taxpayer and wish for your gift to be eligible for Gift Aid (RBC can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate at no extra cost), please complete this Gift Aid form and return to the RBC office.