In school years 10-13? Here’s what’s going on that you could get involved with …
Once a month we will get together for an adventure together! It’ll be different each month but might be a minibus trip to somewhere beautiful or breakfast and bible study. On the other Sundays in the month, Year 10-13s are invited to get involved in the morning service either attending or serving (e.g on the tech team, children’s groups or worship team).

Mettle (school years 10-13) – Wednesdays 7.30pm – 9.15pm … each week Mettle meets to look at real life issues, get to grips with what the Bible says and wrestle with what living life as a disciple of Jesus means. We also like to pray, eat and laugh together. We aim to encourage the Mettle-ers to be confident and committed in their faith, to be good friends to each other and to be prepared to shape the future whether on a personal, local, national or international level.