Summer Staycation – Homes Jesus Visited ‘In Zacchaeus’ Home ‘ Luke 19: 1-10 We know Jesus came to seek and save the lost but who is seeking who in this story? Zacheaus thought he was looking for Jesus only to find that Jesus was looking for him. He wanted to know who Jesus was, only...
Author: tstuart
Sunday 22nd August – Summer Staycation ’21, Homes Jesus Visited: ‘In Legion’s Home’
Summer Staycation – Homes Jesus Visited ‘In Legion’s Home’ Mark 5: 1-20/Matthew 8:28-34/ Luke 8: 26-37 Cast out by family and neighbours, this nameless person can only find shelter among the dead. He lives without the comfort of human embrace, separated from his community by walls of fear, ignorace, hostility and alienation. He is a...
Sunday 15th August – Summer Staycation ’21, Homes Jesus Visited: ‘In the home of Lazarus’
Summer Staycation – Homes Jesus Visited ‘In Lazarus’ Home’ John 12: 1-8/ Matthew 26: 6-13/ Mark 14: 3-9/ Luke 7:37 -38 Jesus loved a celebration with friends and as passover approaches his friends in Bethany give him a meal in his honour – unwittinly marking the end of his ministry. Unaware that just a week...
Sunday 1st August – What is Church? – ‘Letter to Laodicea’
What Is Church? – ‘The letter to Laodicea’ Revelation 3:14-22
Sunday 25th July – What is Church? – ‘Letter to Philadelphia’
What Is Church? – ‘Hold On’ Revelation 3:7-13
Sunday 18th July – What is Church? – ‘Letter to Sardis’
What Is Church? – ‘Wake Up!’ Revelation 3:1-6
Sunday 11th July – Where’s the Hope?
Welcome to our service! Graham asks the question ‘Where’s the Hope?’, looking at Roman 3:9-20
Sunday 2nd May – What is Church? – ‘Care and Serve’
Welcome to our first on-site live streamed service! Graham brings us the 2nd of our ‘What is Church?’ series, ‘Care and Serve’.